
Sunday, October 01, 2006

Investment bankers

I have recently pumped into this extra-ordinary group of people, investment bankers. Their lifestyle couldn't be more different of mine: working long hours, earning huge amounts of money and spending it hell for leather. But I don't mind. Have been having couple wild nights with them.

Latest one was on last Friday when some friends of mine and I went to this Student Union's Freshers' Event. This event was held at this regular bar/club near Oxford Street and we just expected regular night with bunch of students and some drinks. At the bar we wandered around a bit and then settled in downstairs near the bar.

We had been sitting there in this booth for a while when suddenly out of nowhere our table was full with shots. Then these two guys in suites appeared with a bottle of white wine. They introduced themselves and wanted to play drinking games with us (how obvious!). Well, the result was quite clear: we all got blasted! I personally blame the champagne that came after the shots and wine ;D

It's unbelievable how much money people can throw in just to get some girls drunk (and then make out with them). But anyway, the night was success: we ended up having great time with those guys and got totally wasted for free (it's not that I would rate the night according to the level of drunkenness...) :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh student life...! Great that you are having a great time. If you happen to run out of money at some point, you'll now know who to turn to ;) Why aren't finnish investment bankers behaving like that? Well, I wouldn't know anyway, since most of the time I'm nerding in front of my computer lost in a pixel world. Minna, just beware of the knock out pills in drinks - must be more popular in London than here. And how did I ever end up sounding like I was 40 years old?

October 03, 2006 7:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... seems like your blog's been influenced by the sensational British media: explicit account of drunk girls making out with bankers! Just make sure they are not famous in order to avoid the tabloids :)

But I see the voice of reason (=mother, teacher or something such) has found its way here. Good work Anne :)

October 05, 2006 5:59 pm  
Blogger Riikka said...

Life could not be farther away from London & investment bankers here :) Funnily enough, I was warned about knock out pills here, too - although the warning came from a guy who has several times sworn his love to me...yikes. Better not take any drinks from him!

Minna, by the way: I've bought about 20 meters fabrics already, take a big suitcase with you if you plan to do the same!

October 08, 2006 8:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tähän liittyen - luitteko satasesta tämän maanantaina? Pidä Minna varasi - kuitenkin ovat jotain viiskymppisiä äijiä, joilla on vain kunnon hiuslisäkesiirrot =)

"Miesten osuus kauneusleikattavista on viime vuosina kasvanut Britanniassa selkeästi. Tutkijoiden mukaan nousu korreloi Lontoon bisnesalueella maksettavien bonusten kanssa. Ilmeisesti keski-ikäiset uskovat, että juonteiden silotus antaa jopa kymmenen vuotta lisää peliaikaa taistella raa'an bisnesmaailman parhaista pesteistä"

October 26, 2006 4:23 pm  

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