Työmiehen Lauantai, Museotyöläisen Sunnuntai
First, I have to apologise all of you who doesn't understand Finnish for using the language on this topic's title. And second, I have to assure you there's good reasons to do that.
Since I've started working in that marvellous place known as Finnish National Gallery I have started spending most of my Sunday nights out. I know, sounds weird. But the museum is closed on Mondays so that's the most convenient night to party. Of course I still go out on Fridays and Saturdays from time or time but call me old or something but I cannot handle sleepless nights while working.
Sundays will get us back to the title of this post. There's this old Finnish song about a Workman's Saturday which includes sauna and getting arrested so we actually created this new concept of Museum Worker's Sunday :) The concept is based on an assumption that you actually have some friends' working in museum as well or some other friends that are ready to party on Sunday nights. Usually the night starts at terrace of some hip Helsinki bar (and there's plenty of them in here, lol) and it's later carried on in some of the places open til small hours. It also consists loads of drinks and isn't complete without late night eating...
So the night is a success as long as no one gets arrested. But I really miss sauna. The night doesn't seem perfect without early hours' heat ;)
Hiphei! Eläköön juhlinta!
Aloitin blogin Sâo Paulon elämästäni, joka, siis elämä, on tähän asti ollut melkoista bilettämistä viikonloppu toisensa jälkeen. No, nyt tuntuu että riittää vähäksi aikaa. Syntymäpäiviltä tää bilettäjä palasi kotiin kello 11 seuraavana aamupäivänä.
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