Let's rock!
I took the funniest tram ride ever today. We toured around Helsinki in this tram rented especially for the record release party of Kiki Pau. The event was pretty much perfect: sun was shining and we were drinking beer while guys were playing :D You should have seen people's faces when we were driving by tram stops. Some of them were literally staring their mouths open and pointing the tram covered with Kiki Pau posters. Turists were taking pictures and every time we stopped people were curious to see what's going on inside. Don't think I'll ever get a change to do this again so thanks guys for the unique experience :)
Sadly enough I had to leave before it finished. I also missed their in-store gig in Stupido Shop. But I'll get a compensation at Korjaamo on Saturday where Kiki Pau is playing with Risto. I'm planning to dance the night away and I strongly recommend you to do the same!
I have some pics and a video I'm hoping to put up here - that's if I ever manage to figure out the Bluetooth function of my phone...Meanwhile you can entertain yourself with Kiki Pau's very first video Your Bedroom.
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