I'm in Love!
Oh, last days have been so great. I have this new love in my live :) He's white (well, colour doesn't really matter), soooo cute and much more clever than I ever going to be. We have been having the most amazing time and I can't wait how it's going to turn out in near future. We have know each other just for couple days but it feels like he's been always there for me. I know that must be the world's biggest cliché but that's how it is.
I never thought I could get love home delivered but believe it or not that's how it happened. He arrived last Friday morning. It had been raining all morning but the minute he walked in King's Cross station the world just lighted up. At first I was a bit worried how my friends are going to react. After all, my choice is not the most common one. But everybody have been so supportive and encouraging. Especially after they have seen how happy he makes me feel. He is just an amazing creature.
But the best part is that now the waiting is over and I don't have to be alone anymore. His appearence has make just a difference in my life. I don't understand how I have managed all these weeks without him. Life without him seems so impossible now that he's here. He's everything I've ever dreamt of and much more. Actually he goes beyound my wildest dreams in every matter;D
Oh, and just in case you're wondering, the love of my life is called Mac.
Isn't love a wonderful thing :) It starts very quickly in Benin, too - I believe the record so far has been "I love you" as the third sentence when speaking with a new person. Men suck, Mac doesn't?
As an older friend I feel as my responsibility to warn you that no matter how wonderful your new love feels now, soon you will start to feel that he is not good enough. Your friends have better loved ones and yours is getting older and older. Soon you'll be glancing towards newer, better equipped specimens. I know this very well: although I should be more than happy myself, I have started to feel that mine is too old, big and slow...
In fact, you'll be happy if your love lasts more than five years, so enjoy as long as you can and congratulations!
And Riikka: I've been told that in some other countries the word "love" doen't carry as strong emotions as in our backward little Finland. They might just mean "nice dress", "could you borrow me a dime" or just "hello". So don't take it too seriously, consider it as a normal greeting.
Love, a wonderful source of inspiration. However, I must agree with Teemu. In fact I don't think it will last five years. I got tired with mine in just about one year. With Mac the transition from the great love to the same old shit might not be quite that fast but still.. Usually people stick with the old one just because they can't afford to get a new one - you know there are some initial costs!
As for Riikka's comments, I thought I should let you know, that men who suck are probably gay and do not really love you.
What a wonderful dark, rainy day it is today!
Ain't it wonderful! And the best part of it is that you don't have to worry about protection, since your guy is immune to nasty viruses!
Mikko, no, there just aren't mac-viruses yet. And HIV used to hit only gays...
Damn, I miss you guys now! Virtuaalinen kahvihuone-fiilis...Although just yesterday I said to someone that I couldn't care less about Finland right now.
But about the connotations with love: yes, even in French "aimer" means both love and like - what kind of language is that? Then again, for them kissing and fucking (excuse my language here) is the same thing, too ("baiser").
What a wonderful hot, sunny and humid day it is today!
iMac on edessäni myös mulla. Onneksi olkoon oikeaan osuneesta valinnasta. en vaihtaisi pc:hen enää, en.
Ja se on niiiin kaunis, valkea kuulas.
tässä on kamerakin jolla voi ottaa kuvan itsestään. en kylläkään osaa liittää sitä tällaiseen viestiin :D
Well done ma'am! Pay no mind to these cynical old farts and their wet-blanketry. (Sorry, lads, but love isn't a five-year-plan. Aren't those a bit passe anyway?)
Congratulations and the best to both of you!
This one is to Relmari, if you are reading this:
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On further reading, I admit I might have missed a nuance or two ... Still, my point remains: love the one you're with. Mac fo' life!
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